A Russian analyst predicted that due to the economic troubles we're facing here in the United States, we will see a breakup of our country into "regions".
Professor Igor Panarin predicted over ten years ago that the United States could soon be comprised of a Pacific, Northern, Southern, Atlantic, Texas and Alaska regions.
Hmm. Maybe that could work here in New Jersey.
Every New Jerseyan from whatever region of the state looks down on every other New Jerseyan from another part of the state. Let's face facts.
If you're from Union County (North Jersey to some, Central Jersey to others), then anyone from Gloucester County is a hick right? A Bergen Countian is tied to the mafia as far as someone from Burlington County is concerned yes?
Well, let's break the whole thing up and start over. This also may be a great way for Corzine to ensure his election. Just run in North Jersey and you're in like flynn Bearded One!
Here's the potential breakdown (or breakup): The Great State of South Jersey, with its Eagles fans, philly accents and mobile homes would have the attraction of the Jersey shore. Tourism and retail shops galore!
The Grand State of Central Jersey (yes, there IS a Central Jersey) would be the home of one of the most corrupt capital cities in the country so maybe they would have to move it to, oh, I don't know, somewhere in Monmouth County, no, wait...
The Colossal State of North Jersey, home of the Sopranos could continue their, uh, unique ways of doing things and continue to be the home of the New York Giants and Jets. Maybe then they would change the name to actually match their home.
And finally, the good old Tremendous State of Northwest Jersey. Home of the mountain men, brown bears and...yeah, that's about it.
Make four new states and our economic problems would be over.
I say go for it. Give those who want to continue to live under Nanny State rules (North Jersey, Central Jersey) their chance. Northwest and Southern New Jersey would see a massive influx of people, but be warned. That's where all the gun owners are!
The Southern folks tried to secede from the state many years back. It didn't work, but maybe, with all of the grim economic news beating us about the head and shoulders everyday, now's the time. Thanks Igor!