This is interesting...
President Obama has just given Vice President Gaffe a major part of his foreign policy portfolio. It was announced today that Joe "I wouldn't take a subway with this flu thing going on" Biden will be leading the effort to bring Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds together in Iraq as our armed forces leave the country.
One of the biggest complaints from the left about former President Bush was that he gave former Vice President Cheney too much power and too big of a role in the administration. Now Obama is giving one of the biggest pieces of policy (foreign or domestic) to the man who can't keep his foot out of his mouth.
As our men and women in uniform leave Iraq, some violence has begun (4 troops were killed as the cities were handed over to the Iraqi security forces) and we can all be sure that Al-Qaeda is waiting for the last of our forces to leave to try and destabilize the country. If that happens who will be to blame?
Watch your back Joe; you know that in Washington, when the music stops you better have a chair to sit in or...