Iran is steadily increasing its uranium processing.
If that doesn't send chills down your spine, I don't know what will. It seems they have almost doubled their current yield since August and some say they could have a crude bomb ready as early as next year. It wasn't long ago that the experts predicted it would take 5, 10 or 15 years before Iran became a member of the Nuclear Club.
At this time last year, many people, led by the media, were howling that the National Intelligence Estimate showed that Iran had halted its uranium enrichment program in 2003. Oops.
Where are they now? Where are the people that pummelled the President and his national security team about saber-rattling? What happened to the cries of woe against confronting Iran?
They are silent because they were fighting tooth and nail to get what they wanted. They wanted the President and his party hobbled leading up to the 2008 elections. They wanted every American to associate all the bad in this world with the word "Bush". Well, they got their wish.
I hope Obama is ready.
Iranian President Ahmedinejad is a nut. We all know that. Is he a nut willing to use nuclear weapons against Israel or Europe or America? I think so. He is willing, but I don't think he would actually go through with it. Granted, I haven't sat down with him over a bowl of dates and a cup of tea, but he has to know that our response would be devastating.
However, the threat of using them may be enough to get what he wants. What does he want? Israel obliterated. Maybe favorable trading conditions. The West out of the Middle East. To be ruler of "Greater Persia". I have no idea (well, the Israel thing is a definite).
This is a time that we all need to be paying attention to what is going on in the world. We have to hold our leaders to a tremendously high standard when they tell us what they think should be done and how they plan to do it. This is not a game anymore (it never was). All of the campaign speeches, screaming and fainting are over.
Big boy rules are in effect now.
We have a few months until we open the morning paper and read:
"Iran test fires first nuclear-tipped missile with an effective range that encompasses Israel and most of Europe."
I REALLY hope Obama is ready. *sigh*
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