Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has got to be one of the dimmest bulbs to ever serve in that or any other high-level position in our government. I know, I know, it's not nice to call anyone names, but I just can't help myself.
The recent flap over Congresswoman Jane Harman's involvement with an alleged Israeli spy in order to secure her seat as Chair of the House Intelligence Committee is quite shocking to say the least. Apparently, the National Security Agency had been listening in on conversations between this alleged spy and Rep. Harman. Well, like the good eavesdroppers they are, the NSA contacted Pelosi (this happened before she became Speaker which makes her ascension even more frightening) and told her what they were doing. This is her response according to Roll Call:
“It was not my position to raise it with Jane Harman...In fact, I didn’t even know if what they were talking about was real. All they said was that she was wiretapped.”
"I didn't even know if what they were talking about was real". Sigh.
The first word that jumped into my mind (after banging my head on the desk a few times) was "idiot". I went to look up this well-used and familiar word just to make sure I had it right. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary has this for a definition:
id-i-ot n 1: a person afflicted with idiocy; esp : a feeble minded person having a mental age not exceeding three years and requiring complete custodial care; 2: a silly or foolish person syn see Fool
The fact that the Speaker of the House, third in constitutional succession to the presidency would think that the intelligence professionals at the NSA would ask for a meeting with her only to scream "syke!" when they're done talking about wiretapping a member of Congress is just beyond the pale of good human thought. She didn't know they were being serious? Come on Nancy, you've got to do better than that.
Unfortunately, there's a pattern of this type of thing, i.e., Catholics haven't come to a conclusion about when life begins, America loses 500 million jobs a month, etc. She's really dropped some stinkers on us and I don't know which ones were worse.
So, anyway, now we have another verbal gaffe to add to the list. I wonder how many members of the House Democrat caucus are just shaking their heads wondering how the hell this lady became Speaker?
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