On the day before Memorial Day, we should all take the opportunity to think about the fallen veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our great country. As a veteran myself, I feel honored to have served my country in time of war.
I wish, however, that some of our nation's leaders would take more time to honor our veterans or at least pretend to care about their sacrifices.
As third in line to Presidency, one would think that Speaker Pelosi would be in her district marching in a parade or honoring veterans in some way. Sorry to disappoint those veterans in San Francisco, but Pelosi is spending her Memorial Day in, wait for it...China.
That's right. Communist China gets the benefit of Pelosi's presence this Memorial Day weekend. She's not alone though: Massachusetts Senator John "Reporting for duty" Kerry is there as well. What are they doing in China you might ask? They're there to discuss clean energy. Wow.
China is one of the most densely populated and over-polluted countries in the world, their human rights record is dismal and THAT'S where two of our most powerful elected officials spend their Memorial Day weekend?
Then again, if those two are out of the country, they can't do much harm to us...or can they?
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