Monday, February 9, 2009

Back to School

Well, after 20 years, I've decided it's time to go back to school. Yep, back to books and classrooms and teachers (professors) and notebooks and backpacks. ugh! Honestly, it's not all bad. I actually enjoy saying that I'm a "college student". It really rolls off the tongue quite nicely.

Anyway, I figured it was time to finish what I've started many times, taking classes here and there and dreaming about one day walking down the aisle of a crowded auditorium wearing a funny hat and feeling a sense of real accomplishment.

I didn't want to start with too much on my plate, so I'm taking a US History class (I love history) and an African-American Literature class. Both subjects are interesting and I've been motivated by the motivated instructors. Like many colleges and the courses they offer, I find the instruction and the required reading to be, well, left-leaning. SURPRISE! I guess I naively thought that it would be different for me and I would get some politically-neutral, if not politically-balanced professors, but to no avail.

In the first three weeks of class, I've heard the names of Bush and Palin used in disparaging fashion more than once. I've seen Obama t-shirts and even had a fellow student give a short talk on his experiences at the Inauguration.

I'm not whining, I'm just, well, I guess I am whining. I would just like to learn some interesting subjects which will help achieve my ultimate goal: a bachelor's degree. Is it too much to ask to not have to hear how much Bush sucked? Or that Palin was/is an idiot? Or that Obama is going to bring rainbows and sunshine to all of us by merely wishing it?

I guess it is. So anyway, I've got some homework to do before class tonight. Talk soon.


Filomena said...

It's never too late to go to school. Go You!!!

Anonymous said...

Going back to graduate school after ten years in the private sector (aka “the real world”) was a massive culture shock for me. The professors were a gaggle of radicals that were so incompetent that they would be fired from a real job after six months.

Stay true, hang in there, and feed those pinheads what the want to hear.

Best of luck old friend...