So, let's get this straight: the DOW is down below 7000, the deficit is projected to be in the TRILLIONS, God knows what our national debt is, the budget is coming in at 2,3 or 4 trillion dollars, taxes are going up, government intervention in every aspect of our life is increasing daily, defense spending is being cut and the new President is planning to make us a nation of construction workers and volunteers.
Whew! That's a pretty hefty policy load, no? I'm sure implementing these policies can/will take a lot of a person. Fighting to turn a free, democratic country into a socialist one will do that. When you're working that hard you need to blow off some steam and relax. How? Throw a party! Or in President Obama's case, throw A LOT of parties.
According to, Obama holds to an almost religious schedule of parties, klatches and get-togethers every Wednesday which include expensive steaks, crab, entertainment and conga line dancing. Yes, conga line dancing.
He's had a Super Bowl party, black-tie dinner, cocktail hours, concerts and all sorts of fun times in between spending trillions of our tax dollars. Quite a multi-tasker wouldn't you say?
I'm so thrilled that he's not letting the bad economic numbers affect him. All those people who said they won't have to worry about paying their mortgage or filling up their gas tank are surely comforted knowing the "Party"er-in-Chief is holding it down.
POTUS is a stressful job, I understand that. But, how on Earth can Obama look himself in the mirror after chowing down on the best steaks and listening (LIVE) to Stevie Wonder or Earth, Wind and Fire then tell small business owners that they aren't paying enough in taxes? How can he (or his minions) complain about the need for a new fleet of helicopters then deride corporate CEOs who use private jets? How can he tell us to tighten our belts and do more for the good of the country, when he's spending more time toasting and stomping his feet to some funky rhythm than holding true to the standard of liberty and economic freedom that makes this country great?
He sure didn't waste any time getting into Imperial Mode did he? I'm sure he and Michelle were salivating over the chance to move into the White House. "Think of the party's we can have with our (elitist) friends! It'll be just like old times!"
Are you getting the feeling that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't just the simple "community organizer" he was made out to be?
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