Sunday, October 4, 2009

Here's a "deal" for ya!

According to, State Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean (R) has not dismissed out of hand the possibility of making a deal with weakened State Senate President Dick Codey (D) to ensure Codey's re-election to the senate presidency. Senator Stephen Sweeney, a south Jersey Democrat is challenging Codey and it looks like his challenge will be successful.

Codey may be looking to Kean to bring in some Republican votes with promises of chairmanships and other goodies. There's nothing new about deal-making in New Jersey politics, but I for one would like to see the Republican Party take a different tact for once. But first, here's the background by the numbers:

There are 23 Democrats and 17 Republicans in the State Senate. Nine Democrats are supporting Codey and 14 have come out publicly to support Sweeney. Do you see where I'm going with this?

What would motivate Republican voters more than a good ol' fashioned fight that would give them an opportunity to see their leaders show some gumption? Senator Kean needs to throw his hat in the ring for the Senate presidency and force the Democrats to make a choice. Obviously the Democrats wouldn't countenance a Republican senate president so they would have to make deals of their own (and that's what they're best at) to secure the presidency for Sweeney or Codey.

Why not throw a monkey wrench into the Democrat caucus for once? Why not show some fire and leadership and prove to the average Republican voter that there's someone in Trenton willing to go all in?

If the Republicans are concerned about angering the Democrats, who cares? What are they getting now? The Republicans are in the minority and don't look like they'll be out of it any time soon, so why not use this opportunity to show their differences?

And when I mean "all in", I really mean "ALL IN". This effort needs to be a full-fledged campaign. Chairman Jay Webber and the whole party establishment can use this opportunity to connect with solid and wayward Republican voters alike. Phone calls, mail pieces, etc should be sent out to demonstrate a new level of aggressiveness from the New Republican Party. This can be a catalyst for true change in how Republicans are viewed.

What's the downside? No chairmanships. So what, do you think Bill Baroni was going to get Judiciary? Or Tony Bucco was going to get the Budget Committee?

The collegial working relationship that is supposed to be the order of the day in the Senate won't be irrevocably damaged by Kean and the Republican caucus fighting for their beliefs and their voters. They actually may gain a new level of respect.

Give it a shot Mr. Minority Leader, you never know.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What will they say now?

We all remember the outrage from liberals around the world and here in America when the Abu Graib prison "abuse" stories hit the front pages. From Ted Kennedy to Nancy Pelosi to Barney Frank to Barack Obama, leftist politicians shouted from the rooftops about the so-called "abuses" perpetrated by members of our armed forces.

If they want to know about abuse, they need to read this article from the Times of London. It outlines what some have said about the treatment of Iranian protesters in Iranian prisons. Here's a short list of some of the alleged abuses:

  • Fingernails pulled out
  • Forced to lick dirty toilet seats
  • Hair pulled out
  • Beatings
  • Death
Now, how does this stack up with putting a pair of panties on a prisoner's head or making them stand on a box with their hands outstretched? It doesn't. If liberals want to look for cruelty and find an offense around every corner, they don't need to look at our military, at George W. Bush or any other demon they love to hate. There is a stark example of evil in the Middle East.

We all need to wake up and see the threat that is coming over the horizon. The Iranian leadership are dasdardly little men who thrive on power and will not think twice about killing one of their own innocent citizens on the street to make a point. What do you think they will do with a nuclear weapon?

Ok liberals, here's your chance. Will you speak out against REAL abuse as harshly as you did about prisoners being embarrassed?

Friday, July 17, 2009

It's Official...

Well, I guess I have no choice. I'm going to have to rename this blog, the "Joe Biden Gaffe Hour". I tried to hold off, thinking that our Vice President wouldn't say something stupid on an almost daily, if not hourly basis, but, alas, he's beaten me down.

At an AARP rally full of bussed-in senior citizens, good ol' Joe said, remarkably, that:

“Now, people when I say that look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?’” Biden said. “The answer is yes, that's what I’m telling you.”

Check out the full link to the article to see the whole context of his speech, but basically our fiscal policy consists of: "spend more to save money". If I'd only figured this out earlier I could have become Treasury Secretary (oh wait, I've always paid my taxes, so that's out).

Joe is like that kid who never got picked for a kickball team, but when finally chosen, he gets so excited he jumps up and down, doesn't pay attention and repeatedly kicks the ball foul. His teammates want to beat the snot out of him, but he looks so excited and is so enthusiastic that they don't have the heart to do it.

Well, a few more foul balls and Joe will be sitting on the sidelines watching, wondering "what if?".

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Set up for a fall?

This is interesting...

President Obama has just given Vice President Gaffe a major part of his foreign policy portfolio. It was announced today that Joe "I wouldn't take a subway with this flu thing going on" Biden will be leading the effort to bring Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds together in Iraq as our armed forces leave the country.


One of the biggest complaints from the left about former President Bush was that he gave former Vice President Cheney too much power and too big of a role in the administration. Now Obama is giving one of the biggest pieces of policy (foreign or domestic) to the man who can't keep his foot out of his mouth.


As our men and women in uniform leave Iraq, some violence has begun (4 troops were killed as the cities were handed over to the Iraqi security forces) and we can all be sure that Al-Qaeda is waiting for the last of our forces to leave to try and destabilize the country. If that happens who will be to blame?


Watch your back Joe; you know that in Washington, when the music stops you better have a chair to sit in or...


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Biden the Liability?

President Obama may be popular and look invincible right now, but he's got to be thinking things aren't totally rosy at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. As he tries to "remake" America into his own liberal (socialistic) image, he repeatedly has to watch what his partner-in-crime, Vice President Joe Biden is saying and doing.

The list of Biden Blunders is too long to even get into, but the latest one has got to have Obama cringing. Biden, speaking to a group of law enforcement officers, said that Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor will "have their back" when she reaches the highest court. Oops.

Everyone with just a grade school level of knowledge of the courts has to know that judges/justices must be impartial and make their decisions based on the merits and facts of the case before them. For all of the criminal defense attorneys and plaintiff lawyers who represent police brutality victims, these words must have come as quite a shock.

To the rest of us who were paying attention during the campaign, this is just another gaffe in a long line of them; not just from Biden, but from this unprepared, inexperienced and naive group that currently runs our country's executive branch.

I've written about Nancy Pelosi in previous posts and it made me think that we must have the most dimwitted, faux-intelligent leaders now than in any other point in our nation's history. People have told me that Obama is extremely smart and the other Democrats in charge are highly capable. To be honest, I haven't seen any of that yet.

From Obama's "I've visited 57 states so far" to Pelosi's "I didn't think the CIA was serious about waterboarding", none of us should be surprised that the country is heading down a dangerous path.
Considering all of Biden's gaffes in the short 6 months he's been in office, would anyone be surprised if he wasn't dumped from the ticket in 2012? He's got three and half more years to stick his foot in his mouth and the Democrats are all about winning. If Biden becomes too much of a liability, he'll suddenly come down with some illness or family situation that will preclude him from running.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Status Quo Fights Back

We've all seen the pictures of starving African children left to the mercy of corrupt African dictators. We know the billions (if not trillions) of dollars in aid that the West has sent to Africa has, on the whole, shown a disturbing lack of results and real change for the vast majority of that continent's residents. A Zambian economist, Dambisa Moyo, has been speaking out on the inefficiencies of aid to Africa and is pushing for a change in mindset and operation of these programs. She's been successful in gaining attention to this matter but, unfortunately, this is what happens when the status quo is challenged:

Anti-aid campaigner under fire despite striking chord in Africa
By William Wallis, Financial Times
Published: May 23 2009 03:00 Last updated: May 23 2009 03:00

A swell of opposition is building in the aid world to a new protagonist who has thrown down a strident challenge to the rock stars and liberal economists who have long dominated debate over foreign assistance to developing countries.
Galled by the ease with which Dambisa Moyo, the Zambian economist and former investment banker, has suddenly risen to prominence this year, activists are circulating detailed critiques of her ideas and mass mailing African non-government organisations to mobilise support against her.
Yet it is proving hard to suppress the hyperactive graduate of Oxford and Harvard, who pops up weekly in a new capital to promote her book Dead Aid - the title itself an affront to rock star Bob Geldof's Live Aid campaigns.
The former Goldman Sachs strategist has become something of a phenomenon. In April, she hit the New York Times bestseller list; this month she was named on Time Magazine's list of the 100 most influential people, and has been appointed to the board of brewer SAB Miller.
Within days of reading about her, Paul Kagame, Rwanda's president, flew Ms Moyo out to address his government. This month, Col Muammar Gadaffi, the Libyan leader, invited her to Tripoli.
Broadly, Ms Moyo argues that official development assistance has fostered dependency and perpetuated poor governance. She proposes a blend of commercial debt, microfinance, fairer trade and investment in its place.
Her ideas are not especially new. But the publicity she has attracted poses challenges to an industry accustomed to having the most vocal campaigners on its side. Activists fear that in Ms Moyo, developed countries seeking an excuse to slash aid budgets, have found one at a time that Africa is especially in need. They dismiss her book as simplistic - even dangerous. Some critics claim her ideas are gaining prominence because of the novelty of a passionate, young African woman taking on the aid establishment. Mr Geldof's aid advocacy organisation, One, has been mobilising opposition to her messages. Academic Jeffrey Sachs is among those who have denounced her ideas.
"It is ludicrous because we have leaders like President Kagame supporting the anti-aid campaign . . . despite clear successes of aid in promoting Rwanda's growth," he told the Financial Times. Even so, Ms Moyo has struck a chord in Africa.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Great Memorial Day Event!

On the day before Memorial Day, we should all take the opportunity to think about the fallen veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our great country. As a veteran myself, I feel honored to have served my country in time of war.

I wish, however, that some of our nation's leaders would take more time to honor our veterans or at least pretend to care about their sacrifices.

As third in line to Presidency, one would think that Speaker Pelosi would be in her district marching in a parade or honoring veterans in some way. Sorry to disappoint those veterans in San Francisco, but Pelosi is spending her Memorial Day in, wait for it...China.

That's right. Communist China gets the benefit of Pelosi's presence this Memorial Day weekend. She's not alone though: Massachusetts Senator John "Reporting for duty" Kerry is there as well. What are they doing in China you might ask? They're there to discuss clean energy. Wow.

China is one of the most densely populated and over-polluted countries in the world, their human rights record is dismal and THAT'S where two of our most powerful elected officials spend their Memorial Day weekend?

Then again, if those two are out of the country, they can't do much harm to us...or can they?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Climate Change v. Re-election

Real quick:

With all of the doom and gloom we've been hearing about global warming, climate change or whatever it's called, you'd think that Democrats in Congress would be ready, willing and able to pass legislation to solve the problem as they see it.

Considering they have a majority in the House, a soon-to-be veto-proof majority in the Senate and the presidency, Democrats should be able to do whatever they want with respect to the environment.

But wait! There are "moderate" Democrats from coal-producing states that are worried about...Re-election! So their desire to limit "greenhouse gases" to save the environment will just have to take a backseat to politics.

Finally, we can all realize that human-caused "climate change" is a hoax. If it were real and all of our lives were in danger, don't you think they would do something about it without worrying about politics?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Better Luck Next Year...

Well, I guess it was too good to be true. During and after his first legislative test, President Obama declared that we would know exactly how and where every dollar, actually, every DIME, would be spent. He made a big deal about, a website that would list, down to the contractor level, how and where the "stimulus" money would be spent.

I took a gander at to see how things are going and to my surprise, after looking for stimulus spending sent to NJ, all I could find was a general overview (NJ gets about $2 billion). There's nothing specific about who is getting it and how EXACTLY it's going to be spent. So much for transparency. But to top things off, the actual information that Obama bragged about providing won't be available sooner than October and possibly as late as next Spring!

The man who is leading the government's effort to get up and running, Earl Devaney, said that it would be a "challenge to have the site ready to present data in five months" and, after the hearing before the House Subcommittee on Science and Technology, that "the board [Recovery Transparency and Accountability Board] doesn't have enough storage capacity".

Ok. I'm not a huge techie who spends hours figuring out how to program this or that, but I do realize that computers have a limited capacity to store and process information. If there is a lot of information that needs to be used on a computer, you have to ensure the computer is capable of handling it right? If the government is planning on sharing $800 billion worth of spending information, don't you think you should have a friggin' Cray computer set up to handle the data? Asleep at the switch doesn't even begin to describe this.

I know, politicians make promises all the time, but this is supposed to be the era of enlightenment and super technology with one of the most "plugged-in" presidents in our nation's history! What happened?

Anyway, just to make us feel confident in the Board's ability to take charge of its mandate and get the job done, Devaney said that after they wait six to nine months for the White House Office of Management and Budget to come up with rules on how the stimulus spending information should be released, he would, "...push them for as much data as possible".

Man, I feel so much better.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I hate to say it but...

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has got to be one of the dimmest bulbs to ever serve in that or any other high-level position in our government. I know, I know, it's not nice to call anyone names, but I just can't help myself.

The recent flap over Congresswoman Jane Harman's involvement with an alleged Israeli spy in order to secure her seat as Chair of the House Intelligence Committee is quite shocking to say the least. Apparently, the National Security Agency had been listening in on conversations between this alleged spy and Rep. Harman. Well, like the good eavesdroppers they are, the NSA contacted Pelosi (this happened before she became Speaker which makes her ascension even more frightening) and told her what they were doing. This is her response according to Roll Call:

“It was not my position to raise it with Jane Harman...In fact, I didn’t even know if what they were talking about was real. All they said was that she was wiretapped.”

"I didn't even know if what they were talking about was real". Sigh.

The first word that jumped into my mind (after banging my head on the desk a few times) was "idiot". I went to look up this well-used and familiar word just to make sure I had it right. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary has this for a definition:

id-i-ot n 1: a person afflicted with idiocy; esp : a feeble minded person having a mental age not exceeding three years and requiring complete custodial care; 2: a silly or foolish person syn see Fool

The fact that the Speaker of the House, third in constitutional succession to the presidency would think that the intelligence professionals at the NSA would ask for a meeting with her only to scream "syke!" when they're done talking about wiretapping a member of Congress is just beyond the pale of good human thought. She didn't know they were being serious? Come on Nancy, you've got to do better than that.

Unfortunately, there's a pattern of this type of thing, i.e., Catholics haven't come to a conclusion about when life begins, America loses 500 million jobs a month, etc. She's really dropped some stinkers on us and I don't know which ones were worse.

So, anyway, now we have another verbal gaffe to add to the list. I wonder how many members of the House Democrat caucus are just shaking their heads wondering how the hell this lady became Speaker?

Monday, March 30, 2009

By any other name...

Ah, it's so nice to not be engaged in a global war anymore. What? You mean you haven't heard? The Obama Administration has discontinued using the term: "Global War on Terror". It's over! It's VIF Day (Victory over Islamic Fascism)! I haven't seen a remake of that classic WWII poster with the sailor kissing the random woman on a NYC street yet, but I'm sure it'll show up on the front page of the NY Times any day now.

Lately, I've been doing a lot of "if you don't laugh, you'll cry"-thinking about the news and what Obama has been doing with respect to foreign policy (not to mention domestic). His dissing of PM Gordon Brown, his insult of the Afghani people where he said they weren't as educated as the Iraqis, North Korea about to launch a long-range missile that we can do nothing about, teetering on the edge of sending ground troops into Pakistan, etc. Scary stuff.

However, this change of terminology is kind of mindboggling. We have to remember: Osama Bin Laden and his ilk are still using the same word (Jihad) in their fight against us. Will our troops, who are still fighting day and night in far-off lands be inspired to continue the fight knowing they aren't fighting an actual WAR? Granted, they could care less what it's called as the bullets are zinging over their heads, but using Global War on Terror is important for out national psyche as well.

The Administration has started using Overseas Contingency Operation as its operating term. Wow. That inspires confidence doesn't it?

My sister is in the Navy and she's currently deployed overseas fighting the GWOT, er, I mean the OCO. I don't want people to forget her or what she's doing and I'm bothered by this change more than I can express. The American people are distracted by tough economic times here at home which is understandable, but there are thousands of men and women fighting for our freedoms overseas who need our support, thoughts and prayers.

Using the limp-wristed term "Overseas Contingency Operation" is designed, in my opinion, to appease the people who dislike us around the world and to ease the liberal, anti-military folks here at home. Words matter. Obama the great orator should know this. Now that I mention it, I'm sure he knows exactly what he's doing and it's shameful.

Terrorist don't mess around with labels to make their point. They use guns, bombs and death. They know they're still in a war. It seems like this administration didn't get the memo.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What about RESULTS??

This will be short. Vice President Joe Biden spoke to a Democratic National Committee fundraiser yesterday and spoke about the need to pass the Administration's budget. According to Politico, Biden included these profound and inspirational words for America in his remarks:

“It will have every single pundit out there, even the ones who are covering this today, saying, ‘You know, these guys not only came up with an idea, whether we like it or not, they moved and they passed it,’” Biden said. “And we are willing to win or lose – win or lose – upon the soundness of our judgment.”

Passing a bill through Congress with a clear majority isn't exactly the same as whether or not it will WORK. You don't get points for accomplishing the obviously easy. You get points for actual success Mr. Vice President.


Monday, March 2, 2009

Party all the time, party all the time...

So, let's get this straight: the DOW is down below 7000, the deficit is projected to be in the TRILLIONS, God knows what our national debt is, the budget is coming in at 2,3 or 4 trillion dollars, taxes are going up, government intervention in every aspect of our life is increasing daily, defense spending is being cut and the new President is planning to make us a nation of construction workers and volunteers.

Whew! That's a pretty hefty policy load, no? I'm sure implementing these policies can/will take a lot of a person. Fighting to turn a free, democratic country into a socialist one will do that. When you're working that hard you need to blow off some steam and relax. How? Throw a party! Or in President Obama's case, throw A LOT of parties.

According to, Obama holds to an almost religious schedule of parties, klatches and get-togethers every Wednesday which include expensive steaks, crab, entertainment and conga line dancing. Yes, conga line dancing.

He's had a Super Bowl party, black-tie dinner, cocktail hours, concerts and all sorts of fun times in between spending trillions of our tax dollars. Quite a multi-tasker wouldn't you say?

I'm so thrilled that he's not letting the bad economic numbers affect him. All those people who said they won't have to worry about paying their mortgage or filling up their gas tank are surely comforted knowing the "Party"er-in-Chief is holding it down.

POTUS is a stressful job, I understand that. But, how on Earth can Obama look himself in the mirror after chowing down on the best steaks and listening (LIVE) to Stevie Wonder or Earth, Wind and Fire then tell small business owners that they aren't paying enough in taxes? How can he (or his minions) complain about the need for a new fleet of helicopters then deride corporate CEOs who use private jets? How can he tell us to tighten our belts and do more for the good of the country, when he's spending more time toasting and stomping his feet to some funky rhythm than holding true to the standard of liberty and economic freedom that makes this country great?

He sure didn't waste any time getting into Imperial Mode did he? I'm sure he and Michelle were salivating over the chance to move into the White House. "Think of the party's we can have with our (elitist) friends! It'll be just like old times!"

Are you getting the feeling that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't just the simple "community organizer" he was made out to be?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Back to School

Well, after 20 years, I've decided it's time to go back to school. Yep, back to books and classrooms and teachers (professors) and notebooks and backpacks. ugh! Honestly, it's not all bad. I actually enjoy saying that I'm a "college student". It really rolls off the tongue quite nicely.

Anyway, I figured it was time to finish what I've started many times, taking classes here and there and dreaming about one day walking down the aisle of a crowded auditorium wearing a funny hat and feeling a sense of real accomplishment.

I didn't want to start with too much on my plate, so I'm taking a US History class (I love history) and an African-American Literature class. Both subjects are interesting and I've been motivated by the motivated instructors. Like many colleges and the courses they offer, I find the instruction and the required reading to be, well, left-leaning. SURPRISE! I guess I naively thought that it would be different for me and I would get some politically-neutral, if not politically-balanced professors, but to no avail.

In the first three weeks of class, I've heard the names of Bush and Palin used in disparaging fashion more than once. I've seen Obama t-shirts and even had a fellow student give a short talk on his experiences at the Inauguration.

I'm not whining, I'm just, well, I guess I am whining. I would just like to learn some interesting subjects which will help achieve my ultimate goal: a bachelor's degree. Is it too much to ask to not have to hear how much Bush sucked? Or that Palin was/is an idiot? Or that Obama is going to bring rainbows and sunshine to all of us by merely wishing it?

I guess it is. So anyway, I've got some homework to do before class tonight. Talk soon.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Here We Go!

I guess I'm a little late for this, but there's no time like the present.

The Pittsburgh Steelers are going to Super Bowl 43! I must admit, looking at their schedule for this season I saw a lot of problems. This was going to be the toughest schedule any team faced in many, many years. The Steelers played the Ravens twice, all the teams in the NFC East, the Chargers, Titans and Patriots. All of these times have either given the Steelers trouble in the past or are perennial playoff teams.

As the season progressed, I, and many other fans grew more and more confident. However, the Super Bowl wasn't something I was banking on. Playoffs, yes, SB, probably not.

Now having gone through that tough schedule, including beating the Ravens three times, the Steelers are going to face the surprising Arizona Cardinals.

Another admission: their offense scares me. Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin and Kurt Warner can be deadly to any defense. Look what they did to the Eagles. Granted the Eagles' defense is not as good as the Steelers', but they were ranked 3rd overall.

The key for the Steelers is the brilliance of Defensive Coordinator Dick LeBeau. If he can contain the Cardinals' receivers and force Warner into throwing before he's ready, I am confident the Steelers' crew of linebackers and front three can contain the running game.

Probably the only similar offense they've faced was the Dallas Cowboys with T.O., Witten and Williams and we all know what happened then (smile).

So, it's on to Tampa for an intriguing match up that, I am confident, will lead to a 6th Lombardi Trophy for the Pittsburgh Steelers and their stamp on NFL immortality!

Here we go Steelers, here we go!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Stop the Racial Rhetoric

Despite the flat and uninspiring Inaugural Address by now-President Barack Hussein Obama, there was a memorable moment that caught me by surprise: Reverend Joseph Lowery's benediction. He said:

'Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get in back, when brown can stick around... when the red man can get ahead, man; and when white will embrace what is right. That all those who do justice and love mercy say Amen. Say Amen'...

On a day that we are supposed to be post-partisan and post-racial, the Rev. Lowery's racist "prayer" is truly disturbing. President Obama has spoken about new beginnings, hope and other glowing images throughout the campaign and since his election. We are supposed to believe that his election brought a new era of societal advancement where content meant more than color.

I wrote in an earlier post - soon after Obama's election - that the Civil Rights Industry should be shutting its doors and moving on to other issues. Our racial problems have been solved right? I mean, we've elected a black/white man to the highest office in the land. What more can Jackson, Sharpton, Lowery, Lewis, et al do? The promised land has been reached. MLK's vision has been achieved.

Unfortunately, people like Lowery do a great disservice to this country's ability to move on. His comments about "whites embracing what's right" is a slap in the face to thousands of white people who have done good things to improve race relations. Why can't we just move on with the hard work that we have ahead of us? Why must we continue to stoke the flames of racism (yes, black people can be racist)?

I'm really uncomfortable with the fawning treatment given to a man before he's been tested, but I will try to give him a chance. However, if this type of racial rhetoric is going to be the order of the day, the only change we can expect is more racial turbulence in our cities and throughout the country.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So let me get this straight: the Treasury Secretary-designate is on the hook for $34,000 in unpaid taxes on self-employment income and for an undocumented housekeeper...


Timothy Geithner will be the lead dog to come after citizens who make similar "mistakes" and he's going to breeze through confirmation?

How...what the...oh, forget it.